Day 4 - A "Purr-fect" Day on the Floor
Marjariasana, the cat pose, is possibly one of the most well-known of the yoga poses. It is perfect for beginners and helps to develop flexibility through the spine, the neck, and the shoulders.
There are two versions of this session. This page contains the files related to a floor session. If you prefer to stand or use a chair, see Day 4 - A "Purr-fect" Day to Sit and Stand.
Caution: See the Poses, Modifications, and Alternative Poses document, if you are new to yoga, pregnant or have the following conditions:
- Back problems including sciatica and osteoporosis of the spine
- Knee and wrist problems
- Abdominal problems
- Neck problems
- High blood pressure and vertigo
The session
Summary of Poses
- Cat
- Resting pose: Extended pose of the child
- Tiger
- Cat side stretch
- Twisting cat (or eagle arms)
- Resting pose: Shavasana, seated or kneeling
Poses, Modifications, and Alternative Poses (PDF 1.7MB)

Download session
The following compressed file contains all the files related to Day 4 floor session.
Day 4 - A "Purr-fect" Day on the Floor files (ZIP 10.3 MB)
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