Day 11 - Strong to the Core
This session is all about the ‘core’ - the abdominal and back muscles that are so important for our posture and to perform everyday tasks.
In the audio, a lot of time is spent setting up the first poses for the floor and the chair, so you might like to read the transcript and the poses documents to understand what those first poses are. In the time I spend describing first the floor pose, then the chair, and then repeating the descriptions for the second side, you might be able to perform two rounds of the first pose on each side!
There are only two poses in this session due to the time spent describing the first poses and my attempts to keep this session relatively ‘short’. If you do have time, include the boat pose described in Day 9 - Balanced Body.
- Back problems
- Osteoporosis
- Knee problems
- Wrist or shoulder problems
- Neck problems
- High blood pressure, heart conditions, or vertigo
- Abdominal problems
The session
Transcript (PDF 0.6MB)
Audio file (MP3 7.0MB)
Summary of poses
- Balancing cat or single knee lift
- Churning the mill
- Optional:Boat (described in Day 9 - Balanced Body)
- Counter pose: Back massage or seated cat
- Rest pose: Shavasana or seated in chair
Poses, Modifications, and Alternative Poses (PDF 1.5 MB)
Download session
The following compressed file contains all the files related to Day 11.
Day 11 - Strong to the Core files (ZIP 8.6MB)