Epping Leisure and Learning Centre

Entrance to Epping Leisure & Learning Centre


1 Chambers Court, Epping

The community centre is located under the Epping Library. The weekly class is held in the Function Room, which is accessed through the door directly opposite the glass sliding doors.

Getting there:

The centre is a short walk from the railway station and bus interchange.

At the Langston Place-Oxford Street-Pembroke Street intersection, cross at the lights and walk down Pembroke Street. Turn right into Chambers Court, walk towards the library and go down the stairs on the left, just before the entrance to the library.


Parking is available in the carpark outside the Centre and in nearby streets. Most of the parking is unrestricted after 6:00pm.

The driveway to the carpark is on the left, just before the roundabout. Enter the access code in the keypad to open the boom gate. The access code to the boom gate and centre is provided in your confirmation email.